Welcome! We're so glad you're here!
The Gospel Harmony Boys are one of America's finest Southern Gospel Quartets, and have been presenting the Gospel in song since 1952 all across this great country in churches, auditoriums, fairs, and festivals. After all this, by God's grace, we're still going strong!
We are a fellowship of friends doing what we love, perfecting harmonies and blending talents as never before, to bring you the Gospel in song the way it should be heard.
The Gospel Harmony Boys aspire to entertain as well as inspire through a unique blend of Christian dedication, solid talent, and stage presence that has been thrilling audiences for over fifty-six years. As you might imagine, we certainly have a lot to share with you.
That's what this web site is all about. We invite you to dig deeper into the rich history and exciting on-going ministry of GHB as you visit each page.
A Personal Message
"We hope you find our site both informative and entertaining, and welcome your comments. Thank you, in advance, for taking a few moments of your busy day to learn more about our organization. We are confident that your attending a Gospel Harmony Boys concert, or making us a part of your worship service or special event, is a decision you will not regret. It is our greatest hope that Christ will be reflected through our lives, and that His love and grace will flow through our music. We look forward to serving you."