Southern Gospel Music Project Reviews
Reproduced with kind permission from Gospel Music News


by Sandi Duncan Clark, June 2007
For a number of years I have been privileged to call the Gospel Harmony Boys my friends. Through all those years, these men have demanded integrity and quality from their combined efforts to give us some of the best traditional Southern Gospel music you'll ever hear. This new recording carries on that tradition with fourteen great songs. Kicking off with Glad Glad Morning, the recording is pure enjoyment. Group members Greg Tinger and Clacy Williams each contributed a song to the project: Heaven's Streets and Grandma's Graduation Day are both up-tempo songs.
One of my favorites was written by Joe Moscheo titled There's a Certain Kind of Certainty. This one features each member of the quartet and has some great music tracks with a lot of brass. The vocals feature awesome modern harmony! Another favorite is He's My Dearest Friend. You just have to hear this one to enjoy the harmony and the great music.
I Believe has a wonderful message to all of us who sometimes lack the faith to just trust God. Some of the words are "I believe; please help my unbelief, I pray. Tho' I have faith, sometimes the doubts won't go away..." I just can't tell you what a blessing this recording has been. My advice is to get a copy for your own personal enjoyment.
Contact the Gospel Harmony Boys at (304)347-8508.